Annals of Mathematics

Title Annals of Mathematics
Full_volumes 1-12 (ser 1st); 1-165
Years 1884-1899 (1st series); 1899- 2007 (2nd series)
Bound Mb: 1-12 (ser. 1), 1-163, 165
Partial_volumes 166:1, 2
Duplicates 30-146 (+5,54m)
Section math
Total_size_m 7.22
Volume_size_m 0,06
Notes 1st series 1-12 (1884-1899), after which 2nd series with which the numbering starts from 1.; Old Mb: 30-60, 63-81, 84, 89-96, 98-102, 104-106, 108-144