Physics of the Solid State

Title Physics of the Solid State
Full_volumes 36-41
Years (1964, 1975, 1993), 1994-99
Bound Pb: 6:1-6; 17:7-12; 39; 40:1-9
Partial_volumes 6:1-6; 17:7-12; 35:9-12
Section phys
Pallet 5 (vols. 36-38), 43 (partial vols. 6, 17, 35)
Boxes 130, 136 (vols. 36-38), 0918 (partial vols. 6, 17, 35)
Total_size_m 0.50+
Volume_size_m 0,15
Former_titles Simultaneous Russian-English Publication; Traslation of the journal Fizika Tverdogo Tela (Solid State Physics). v. 6, 17 Soviet Physics - Solid State, v. 35 Physics of the Solid State.