Physics of Fluids

Title Physics of Fluids
Full_volumes 1-31, 1-19
Years 1958-88, 1989-93, 1994-2007
Bound mb: 1-31, 1-15
Duplicates 8:7-12; 12:5-12
Section phys
Pallet 15 (vol. 8), 32 (vols. 16-19 "new numbering")
Boxes 0118 (vol. 8), 0576, 0577 (vols. 16-19 "new numbering")
Total_size_m 6.68+
Volume_size_m 0.16
Former_titles Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (vols. 1-5 ; 1989-93)
Notes + index 19-23, 24-28, 1-5. After vol. 31 (1988), the title changes to 'Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics' and the volume numbering starts from 1. After vol. 5 the title changes back to 'Physics of Fluids'.