
Title Naturwissenschaften
Full_volumes 12-28, 31-68, 70-82
Years 1924-40, 1943-81, 1983-95
Bound mb: 12-28, 31-32, 34-68, 73-75, 77, 79-80
Volumes_needing_repair 33
Duplicates 78:1-9, 11-12
Section nat
Pallet 33 (vols. 12-28, 31-36, 65, 71-72, 78)
Boxes 0587, 0590, 0586
Total_size_m 2.00+
Volume_size_m 0.04
Notes Die Naturwissenschaften. Starting from vol. 102, the title changes to The Science of Nature. No 2/91 (vol. 78) mislabelled on spine as vol 77. Vol. 33 severed bindings, no covers or spine found, listed as NB.