IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation

Title IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation
Full_volumes 136-143
Years 1989-96
Bound Mb: 136-140; 141: 1-4
Partial_volumes 144: 1-3, 5-6; 145: 1-5, 146: 1-2, 6
Section tech
Total_size_m 0.23
Volume_size_m 0,07 (vols 141-146)
Former_titles IEE Proceedings F Communications, Radar and Signal Processing(1980 - 1988); IEE Proceedings F, Radar and Signal Processing (1988 - 1993); IEE Proceedings Radar, Sonar and Navigation (1994 - 2006)
Notes Also check IET Computer Vision ;