IET Circuits, Devices & Systems

Title IET Circuits, Devices & Systems
Full_volumes 127-135 (SS&ED), 127-146 (EC&S)
Years 1980-88 (SS&ED); 1980-99 (EC&S)
Bound Mb: 127-135 (SS&ED), 127-140 (EC&S)
Section tech
Total_size_m 0.18
Volume_size_m 0,02
Former_titles IEE Proceedings G Electronic Circuits and Systems(1980 - 1988); IEE Proceedings I Solid-State and Electron Devices (1980 - 1988); IEE Proceedings G Circuits, Devices and Systems (1989 - 1993); IEE Proceedings Circuits, Devices and Systems (1994 - 2006)