Books in Shelfclass 8.B.5, HR, teams, management, recruiting, compensations, scorecards, training:

Number of books: 108

Shelfclass Sortkey Title
8.B.5 20 MINUTE Performance Reviews: Evaluate performance. Offer constructive feedback. Discuss tough topics
8.B.5 20 MINUTE Running Meetings: Lead with confidence. Move your project forward. Manage conflicts
8.B.5 ALLEN, DAVID Getting Things Done: How to Achieve Stress-Free Productivity
8.B.5 ASHKENAS, RON The Boundaryless Organization: Breaking the Chains of Organizational Structure
8.B.5 ASSESSMENT Assessment of Men: Selection of Personnel for the Office of Strategic Services
8.B.5 BARTLETT, CATHERINE Improve Your Global Competence
8.B.5 BECKER, BRIAN E. The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance
8.B.5 BELASEN, ALAN T. Leading the Learning Organization: Communication and Competencies for Managing Change
8.B.5 BELBIN, R. MEREDITH Management Teams: [electronic resource] :: Why They Succeed or Fail
8.B.5 BELLOWS, ROGER M Employment Psychology: The Interview
8.B.5 BENNIS, WARREN Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration
8.B.5 BONO, EDWARD DE Simplicity
8.B.5 BOWER, MARVIN The Will to Lead: Running a Business With a Network of Leaders
8.B.5 BRADT, GEORGE B The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan: How to Take Charge, Build Your Team, and Get Immediate Results
8.B.5 BRENT, MIKE The Leader's Guide to Managing People: How to Use Soft Skills to Get Hard Results
8.B.5 CABOT, HUGH Human Relations: Concepts and Cases in Concrete Sociel Science
8.B.5 CHAVAREN, OLIVIER Trust within Global Virtual Teams: Antecedents, Faciliators, & Sustainability Factors
8.B.5 CHINGOS, PETER T. Paying for Performance: A Guide to Compensation Management
8.B.5 COLT JR., STOCKTON B. The Sales Compensation Handbook: Second Edition
8.B.5 COTTON, DAVID Managing Difficult People: In a Week
8.B.5 DAVIS, MARGARET R. A Practical Guide to Organization Design
8.B.5 DEARMOND, FRED Executive Thinking and Action
8.B.5 DEMARCO, TOM Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams
8.B.5 DEROSA, DARLEEN M Virtual Team Success: A Practical Guide for Working and Leading from a Distance
8.B.5 DUARTE, DEBORAH L. Mastering Virtual Teams
8.B.5 EISENBERG, ABNÉ M Understanding Communication in Business and the Professions
8.B.5 EKMAN, GUNNAR Johda enemmän, hallitse vähemmän: Epäviralliset keskustelut esimiehen työvälineenä
8.B.5 FISCHER, LAYNA Workflow Handbook 2001
8.B.5 FISHER, MARGARET Leadership and Intelligence
8.B.5 FITCH, DONALD S. Increasing Productivity in the Microcomputer Age
8.B.5 FRASER, JOHN MUNRO A Handbook of Employment Interviewing
8.B.5 FUKUYAMA, FRANCIS The "Virtual Corporation" and Army Organization
8.B.5 GALBRAITH, JAY R. Organizing for the Future: The New Logic for Managing Complex Organizations
8.B.5 GILBERT, THOMAS F Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance
8.B.5 GOLD, JEFF Human Resource Development: Theory and Practice
8.B.5 GREENE, RICHARD M The Management Game: How to Win with People
8.B.5 HALL, RICHARD H. Organizations: Structures, Processes, and Outcomes
8.B.5 HAMEL, GARY Johtamisen tulevaisuus
8.B.5 HARRIS, JIM Finding & Keeping Great Employees
8.B.5 HBR'S 10 On Emotional Intelligence
8.B.5 HBR'S 10 On Leadership
8.B.5 HBR'S 10 On Managing People
8.B.5 HEDBERG, BO Virtual Organizations and Beyond
8.B.5 HELLSTEN, TOMMY Virtahepo työpaikalla – kohti hyvinvoivaa työyhteisöä
8.B.5 HESSELBEIN, FRANCES The Leader of the Future: New Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the Next Era
8.B.5 HOLOPAINEN, TUULIKKI Sihteerin ja Assistentin Käsikirja
8.B.5 HUNSAKER, PHILIP L Managing People
8.B.5 JÄRVINEN, PEKKA Esimies ja työyhteisön kehittäminen
8.B.5 JÄRVINEN, PEKKA Onnistu esimiehenä
8.B.5 JOHANN, BERNARD Designing Cross-Functional Business Processes
8.B.5 JOYCE, ROBERT D Encounters in Organizational Behavior: Problem Situations
8.B.5 JUUTI, PAULI Organisaatiokäyttäytyminen
8.B.5 KAPLAN, ROBERT S. The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action
8.B.5 KATZENBACH, JON R. Real Change Leaders: How You Can Create Growth and High Performance at Your Company
8.B.5 KATZENBACH, JON R. Teams at the Top: Unleashing the Potential of Both Teams and Individual Leaders
8.B.5 KATZENBACH, JON R. The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization
8.B.5 KATZENBACH, JON R. The Work of Teams
8.B.5 KEHOE, KEVIN R. Expanding Leadership Impact: A Practical Guide to Managing People and Processes
8.B.5 KLINE, PETER Ten Steps to a Learning Organization
8.B.5 KOLEHMAINEN, SIRPA Work Organisation in High-Tech IT Firms
8.B.5 KOSSEN, STAN The Human Side of Organizations
8.B.5 KOTTER, JOHN P. Leading Change
8.B.5 KOTTER, JOHN P. The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations
8.B.5 LAHIKAINEN, ANJA RIITTA Sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus
8.B.5 LEINONEN, JOUNI H. Organizational Learning in High-Velocity Markets: Case Study in the Mobile Communications Industry
8.B.5 LENCIONI, PATRICK Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive: The Four Disciplines at the Heart of Making Any Organization World Class
8.B.5 LEONARD, DOROTHY A. When Sparks Fly: Igniting Creativity in Groups
8.B.5 LEWIS, JAMES P. Working Together: Twelve Principles for Achieving Excellence in Managing Projects, Teams, and Organizations
8.B.5 LICKER, PAUL S The Art of Managing Software Development People
8.B.5 LIKER, JEFFREY K The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer
8.B.5 LIPMAN, FREDERICK D Executive Compensation Best Practices
8.B.5 LIPNACK, JESSICA Virtual Teams: Reaching across Space, Time, and Organizations with Technology
8.B.5 LUNDIN, STEPHEN C. Fish!: A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results
8.B.5 LUNDIN, STEPHEN C. Fish! Tehokas tapa parantaa työhenkeä ja tuloksia
8.B.5 LUOTO, REIMA T. A. Yrityksen Etikettikirja
8.B.5 MARKKANEN, MIKKO Etsi, Arvioi, Valitse - onnistunut rekrytointi
8.B.5 MARTIN, MALCOLM Human Resource Practice
8.B.5 MCCLELLAND, DAVID C Talent and Society: New Perspectives in the Identification of Talent
8.B.5 MCCLELLAND, DAVID C The Achievement Motive
8.B.5 MELCHER, ARLYN J General Systems and Organization Theory: Methodological Aspects
8.B.5 MICHAELS, ED The War for Talent
8.B.5 MINTZBERG, HENRY Structure in Fives: Designing Effective Organizations
8.B.5 MONE, EDWARD M. HR to the Rescue: Case Studies of HR Solutions to Business Challenges
8.B.5 MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM L. Power-Up Teams & Tools For Process Improvement & Problem Solving
8.B.5 NADLER, DAVID A. Champions of Change: How CEOs and Their Companies Are Mastering the Skills of Radical Change
8.B.5 NARAYAN, SRIRAM Agile IT Organization Design: For Digital Transformation and Continuous Delivery
8.B.5 NICHOLSON, NIGEL The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Organizational Behavior
8.B.5 NIITAMO, PETTERI Työhaastattelu: Henkilöarviointi työhönotossa ja työuralla
8.B.5 NIVEN, PAUL R. Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step: Maximizing Performance and Maintaining Results
8.B.5 OLVE, NILS-GÖRAN Balanced Scorecard: Yrityksen strateginen ohjausmenetelmä
8.B.5 PASTERNACK, BRUCE A. The Centerless Corporation: A New Model for Transforming Your Organization for Growth and Prosperity
8.B.5 POUNDSTONE, WILLIAM How Would You Move Mount Fuji?: Microsoft’s Cult of the Puzzle: How the World’s Smartest Companies Select the Most Creative Thinkers
8.B.5 PRESTOUNGRANGE, GORDON The Virtual Learning Organization: Learning at the corporate university workplace campus
8.B.5 RADCLIFFE, STEVE Leadership: Plain and Simple
8.B.5 RANTAMÄKI, TOMI Onnistu palkitsemisessa
8.B.5 RAO, T. V. HRD Audit: Evaluating the Human Resource Function for Business Improvement
8.B.5 REDDIN, W. J Effective Management by Objectives: The 3-D Method of MBO
8.B.5 REECE, BARRY L Effective Human Relations in Organizations
8.B.5 RIFKIN, JEREMY Työn Loppu: teknologia, työpaikat, tulevaisuus
8.B.5 ROTHWELL, WILLIAM J. The Action Learning Guidebook
8.B.5 SAVAGE, CHARLES M. Fifth Generation Management: Co-Creating Through Virtual Enterprising, Dynamic Teaming, and Knowledge Networking
8.B.5 SHAPIRO, MARY HBR Guide to Leading Teams
8.B.5 SINEK, SIMON Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
8.B.5 STAGNER, ROSS Psychology of Industrial Conflict
8.B.5 THELEN, HERBERT Dynamics of Groups at Work
8.B.5 ZELL, DEONE Changing by Design: Organizational Innovation at Hewlett-Packard