Books in Shelfclass 1.F, Miscellaneous:

Number of books: 169

Shelfclass Sortkey Title
1.F 105 105 mm. kevyt kenttähaupitsi vuodelta 1933 (105 H/33)
1.F 120 120 mm:n raskas kranaatinheitin vuodelta 1940 (120 Krh/40)
1.F AARIO, LEO Suomen Kartasto - Atlas of Finland - Atlas över Finland, 1960
1.F ACHESON, DEAN This Vast External Realm
1.F AIRAS, PENTTI Sodan ja rauhan motiivit
1.F ARM, DAVID L Science in the Sixties: The Tenth Anniversary AFOSR Scientific Seminar, June 1965
1.F BAMFORD, JAMES The Puzzle Palace: inside the national security agency, America’s most secret intelligence organization
1.F BAUER, JAMES J The Runaway Learning Machine: Growing up Dyslexic
1.F BEASON, DOUG The E-Bomb: How America's New Directed Energy Weapons Will Change the Way Future Wars Will Be Fought
1.F BECKMANN, PETR Eco-Hysterics and the Technophobes
1.F BELTON, CATHERINE Putinin sisäpiirissä: kuinka KGB valtasi Venäjän ja kääntyi länttä vastaan
1.F BETWEEN Between Science and Technology: Proceedings of the International Conference Between Science and Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, 29-30 June 1989
1.F BLIX, HANS Disarming Iraq: The Search for Weapons of Mass Destruction
1.F BRUCE, PAUL The Nemesis File: the true story of an SAS execution squad
1.F BRZEZINSKI, ZBIGNIEW Differentiated Containment: US Policy Toward Iran and Iraq: Report of an Independent Task Force: [Elektronisk resurs]
1.F BURAKIAN, ELI Hiking Waterfalls in New England: A Guide to the Region’s Best Waterfall hikes
1.F BUSH, GEORGE A World Transformed
1.F BUSH, GEORGE W We Will Prevail: President George W. Bush on War, Terrorism, and Freedom
1.F CASTELLS, MANUEL Suomen tietoyhteiskuntamalli
1.F CHILDRESS, DAVID HATCHER The Anti-Gravity Handbook
1.F CLARKE, RICHARD A Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror
1.F CLELLAND, MIKE Ultralight backpackin’ tips: 153 amazing & inexpensive tips for extremely lightweight camping
1.F COLLIS, HARRY 101 American Customs: Understanding American Language and Culture through Common Practices
1.F COLL, STEVE Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001
1.F DAALDER, IVO H America Unbound: The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy
1.F DALIO, RAY Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail
1.F DAVIS, RICHARD Complete Guide to Film Scoring
1.F DIAMOND, JARED M Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
1.F DIAMOND, JARED M Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
1.F DJEREJIAN, EDWARD P. Changing Minds Winning Peace: A New Strategic Direction for U.S. Public Diplomacy in the Arab & Muslim World
1.F DUVERGER, MAURICE Poliittiset järjestelmät
1.F EDWARDS, JOHN The Geeks of War: The Secretive Labs and Brilliant Minds behind Tomorrow's Warfare Technologies
1.F ESKELINEN, ANNE Ballististen ohjusten levinneisyys kansainvälisenä turvallisuusongelmana
1.F FEFERMAN, ANITA BURDMAN Alfred Tarski: Life and Logic
1.F FINKBEINER, ANN K The Jasons: The Secret History of Science's Postwar Elite
1.F FISHEL, EDWIN C. The Secret War for the Union: the untold story of military intelligence in the civil war
1.F FLORMAN, SAMUEL C. The Existential Pleasures of Engineering
1.F FRANK, THOMAS What's the Matter with Kansas?: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America
1.F FUKUYAMA, FRANCIS Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnological Revolution
1.F FUKUYAMA, FRANCIS The End of History and the Last Man
1.F FUKUYAMA, FRANCIS The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order
1.F FUKUYAMA, FRANCIS Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity
1.F FUSFIELD, HERBERT I Science and Technology Policy: Perspectives for the 1980s
1.F GAMMA, KARL The Handbook of Skiing
1.F GORDON, BONNIE BILYEU Songs from Unsung Worlds: Science in Poetry
1.F GORDON, PHILIP H Allies at War: America, Europe, and the Crisis over Iraq
1.F GORMAN, STEPHEN The Winter Camping Handbook: Wilderness Travel & Adventure in the Cold-Weather Months
1.F GRUNDSTEIN, NATHAN D The Futures of Prudence: Pure Strategy and Aristotelian and Hobbesian Strategists
1.F HÄIKIÖ, MARTTI Nokia Oyj:n historia 1: Fuusio: Yhdistymisten kautta suomalaiseksi monialayritykseksi 1865-1982
1.F HÄIKIÖ, MARTTI Nokia Oyj:n historia 2: Sturm und Drang: Suurkaupoilla eurooppalaiseksi elektroniikkayritykseksi 1983-1991
1.F HÄIKIÖ, MARTTI Nokia Oyj:n historia 3: Globalisaatio: Telekommunikaation maailmanvalloitus 1992-2000
1.F HAKULINEN, KERKKO Otavan uusi peruskoulu-kartasto
1.F HAPPONEN, LEO Joka pojan ja tytön maatalousopas
1.F HEDGECOE, JOHN John Hedgecoe's Complete Guide to Video
1.F HEID, MATT AMC’s Best Backpacking in New England: A Guide to 37 of the Best Multiday Trips from Maine to Connecticut
1.F HEIKURA, ILKKA Sähkötekniikan ensimmäiset vuosikymmenet Oulun yliopistossa
1.F HERWIG, ROB 350 huonekasvia
1.F HOLST, HELGE Suuret keksijät: Ensimmäinen osa
1.F HOLZINGER, KATHARINA Environmental Policy Convergence in Europe: The Impact of International Institutions and Trade
1.F HUNTINGTON, SAMUEL P. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
1.F IBERALL, ARTHUR S Toward a General Science of Viable Systems
1.F ICUS ICUS 1976:2: The Search for Absolute Values: Harmony Among the Sciences: Volume II: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, November 26-28, 1976, Washington, D.C
1.F KAGAN, ROBERT Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order
1.F KÄKELÄ, ERKKI Marskin panssarintuhoojat: Suomen panssarintorjunnan kehitys ja panssariyhtymän panssarintorjuntayksiköiden historia
1.F KALELA, ERKKI K Metsät ja metsien hoito: Metsänhoidon alkeita
1.F KAMPFNER, JOHN Blair's Wars
1.F KAPLAN, LAWRENCE F The War over Iraq: Saddam's Tyranny and America's Mission
1.F KAVKA, GREGORY S. Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory
1.F KELLY, WALT Pogo: We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us
1.F KEPSU, KAISA Vetävä Helsinki: Luovien ja tietointensiivisten alojen osaajien näkemyksiä seudusta - kotimainen ja kansainvälinen näkökulma
1.F KINZER, STEPHEN Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq
1.F KOSKIMIES, PERTTI Distribution and Numbers of Finnish Breeding Birds: Appendix to Suomen lintuatlas
1.F LAKOFF, GEORGE Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think
1.F LANGE, MATTHEW States and Development: Historical Antecedents of Stagnation and Advance
1.F LAPPALAINEN, JUSSI T. Aseet ja taistelut: Sotataidon kolme vuosituhatta
1.F LAWRENCE, SHIRLEY BLACKWELL The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters
1.F LEVITSKY, STEVEN How Democracies Die
1.F LIESTO, MARTTI Teknillinen korkeakoulu 1908-1988
1.F LOFTUS, JOHN The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People
1.F MACHIAVELLI, NICCOLÒ The Prince & The Art of War
1.F MACWELCH, TIM The Ultimate Winter Survival Handbook
1.F MALNES, RAINO The Hobbesian Theory of International Conflict
1.F MAN The Man Made World, Part One: A Course on the Theories and Techniques that Contribute to our Technological Civilization
1.F MANN, JAMES Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush's War Cabinet
1.F MCGRAW, PHILLIP C. The Relationship Rescue Workbook: Exercises and Self-Tests to Help You Reconnect with Your Partner
1.F MCNAUGHTON, COLIN Ssh! (Älä kerro herra Sudelle)
1.F MCNEILL, WILLIAM HARDY Plagues and Peoples
1.F MCNEILL, WILLIAM HARDY The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community: with a Retrospective Essay
1.F MEDLICOTT, W. N The Economic Blockade: Volume 1
1.F MEDLICOTT, W. N The Economic Blockade: Volume 2
1.F MINTZ, BETH The Power Structure of American Business
1.F MOSCOVICH, IVAN The Big Book of Brain Games
1.F NALEBUFF, BARRY Why not? How to Use Everyday Ingenuity to Solve Problems Big and Small
1.F NATIONAL The National Security Strategy of the United States of America
1.F NEITTAANMÄKI, PEKKA Muutos tieteen maailmassa: Tutkimus, tiede ja yliopistot 2010
1.F NORDMAN, KURT Keihäänkärkiä: Kolmetoista kertomusta suomalaisesta huipputekniikasta
1.F OLDSTONE, MICHAEL B. A Viruses, Plagues, and History
1.F ÖSTERÅKER, MARIA Unelma omavaraisuudesta: Käytännön opas
1.F PATZIA, ARTHUR G The Emergence of the Church: Context, Growth, Leadership & Worship
1.F PECK, M. SCOTT The Different Drum
1.F PERKINS, JOHN Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
1.F PHILLIPS, KEVIN American Dynasty: How the Bush Clan Became the World's Most Powerful and Dangerous Family
1.F PRESSLEY, ALISON The Best of Times: Growing up in Britain in the 1950s
1.F RADIN, PAUL The Story of the American Indian
1.F RICHELSON, JEFFREY T Spying on the Bomb: American Nuclear Intelligence from Nazi Germany to Iran and North Korea
1.F RIDGWAY, RYAN The Home Blacksmith: Tools, Techniques, and 40 Practical Projects for the Home Blacksmith
1.F RIKER, WILLIAM H The Art of Political Manipulation
1.F ROAD ATLAS Road Atlas 1999: United States, Canada, Mexico
1.F SCHNEIDER, STEPHEN A The Availability of Minorities and Women for Professional and Managerial Positions 1970-1985
1.F SEMJONOV, JURI Maan antimet: Joka miehen talousmaantieto
1.F SHKLOVSKII, I. S Intelligent Life in the Universe
1.F SINGH BALDWIN, SHAUNA A Foreign Visitor’s Survival Guide to America
1.F SMITH, STEVEN D. White Mountain Guide: AMC’s Comprehensive Guide to Hiking Trails in the White Mountain National Forest
1.F SOLONEN, TAPIO Suomen linnusto: Esiintyminen ja perusbiologiaa
1.F SOTATALOUSTIETOUTTA Sotataloustietoutta II
1.F SOTATALOUSTIETOUTTA Sotataloustietoutta IV
1.F SOTATALOUSTIETOUTTA Sotataloustietoutta V
1.F SOTATALOUSTIETOUTTA Sotataloustietoutta: V
1.F SOTATALOUSTIETOUTTA Sotataloustietoutta VI
1.F SOTATALOUSTIETOUTTA Sotataloustietoutta VIII: EU-aika ja sotatalouden haasteet
1.F STRATEGIAN Strategian asiatietoa: Käsityksiä Pohjois-Euroopan strategisista olosuhteista
1.F STRATEGIAN Strategian asiatietoa: Kokonaistutkimus ydinaseista
1.F SUOMEN Suomen V. ja O.M. Suur-Loosin perussääntö ynnä liitteet
1.F SUOMI Suomi 2017
1.F SUSKIND, RON The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neill
1.F TIEDE Tiede ja ase N:o 15
1.F TIEDE Tiede ja ase N:o 32
1.F TIEDE Tiede ja ase N:o 33
1.F TIEDE Tiede ja ase N:o 34
1.F TIEDE Tiede ja ase N:o 49
1.F TODD, EMMANUEL Imperiumin jälkeen
1.F TOUGIAS, MICHAEL AMC’s Best Day Hikes Near Boston: Four-Season Guide to 60 of the Best Trails in Eastern Massachusetts
1.F TOWNSEND, CHRIS The Backpacker’s Handbook
1.F TREMPER, BRUCE Avalance Essentials: A Step-by-step System for Safety and Survival
1.F UPDIKE, JOHN Self-Consciousness: Memoirs
1.F VAUGHAN, BRUCE L Body Talk: Understanding the Secret Language of the Body
1.F WAHLSTRÖM, BJÖRN Ydin ja omenankuori
1.F WALTER, BARBARA F. How Civil Wars Start and How to Stop Them
1.F WEINBERGER, SHARON Imaginary Weapons: A Journey through the Pentagon's Scientific Underworld
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 10 Karjalainen-Kokko
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 11 Kokkonen-Lagerborg
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 12 Lagercrants-Levas
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 13 Levón-Mattsson
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 14 Merchelin-Nordström
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 15 Norrmén-Palmgren
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 16 Paloheimo-Puukko
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 17 Pylkkänen-Roine
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 18 Rommi-Salomies
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 19 Salonen-Sirenius
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 1 Aalto-Anttila
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 20 Sirola-Tanner
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 21 Tapio-Tuukkanen
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 22 Tuulio-Viita
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 23 Wikman-Österman
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 24 Täydennys- ja hakemisto-osa
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 2 Appelberg-Böök
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 3 Cajan-Cygnacus
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 4 Dahl-Falkman
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 5 Faltin-Haahtela
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 6 Haahti-Hellaakoski
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 7 Hellberg-Hämeen-Anttila
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 8 Hämäläinen-Jylhä
1.F WERNER SÖDERSTRÖM OY Suomen sana 9 Jägenhorn-Kariniemi
1.F WESTWOOD, JOHN The Complete Book of Trains and Railways
1.F WILDSAM Wildsam New England Field Guides
1.F WOODWARD, BOB Plan of Attack
1.F WROUGHT IRONWORK Wrought Ironwork: A Manual of Instruction for Craftsmen