CHI 1990: Empowering People: Human Factors in Computing Systems: Special Issue of the SIGCHI Bulletin: CHI '90 Conference Proceedings: Seattle, Washington, April 1-5, 1990

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Authors Editors: Jane Carrasco Chew, John Whiteside
Title CHI 1990: Empowering People: Human Factors in Computing Systems: Special Issue of the SIGCHI Bulletin: CHI '90 Conference Proceedings: Seattle, Washington, April 1-5, 1990
Publisher Association for Computing Machinery
Year 1990
Languages eng
Isbn 0201509326
Description xvi, 474 p. 28 cm
Record date 20110623
Location New York
Keywords Människa-dator-interaktion, Collaborative systems, Graphical interaces, Interface design, Multimedia systems, Datorer, Databehandling