Saratov Fall Meeting 2000: Coherent Optics of Ordered and Random Media: 3-6 October 2000, Saratov, Russia

Shelfclass_id S/SPIE
Sortkey S/SPIE
Authors Dmitry A. Zimnyakov
Title Saratov Fall Meeting 2000: Coherent Optics of Ordered and Random Media: 3-6 October 2000, Saratov, Russia
Publisher Spie
Year 2001
Languages eng
Isbn 0819439207
Series SPIE Proceedings
Volume 4242
Description x, 320 p. ill. 28 cm.
Record date 20090820
Location Bellingham, Wash., USA
Keywords Optics, Lasers in biophysics, Light, Coherence (Optics)
Notes "International Workshop and Fall School for Young Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics, and Biophysics"--Cover.